Step into the enchanting world of Halloween Town as FallGuys embarks on a thrilling crossover event with the beloved characters from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas.' Our animation team brought this spooktacular crossover trailer to life, blending the magic of the holiday season with Halloween fright.
From the whimsical landscapes of Halloween Town to festive holiday moments, we ensured that each character's movements captured their essence. The result is a seamless fusion of worlds, where FallGuys antics intertwine with the eerie charm of Tim Burton's iconic characters.
As fans of both FallGuys and The Nightmare Before Christmas, we reveled in blending these two beloved worlds. It's a spooktacular celebration where holiday magic meets Halloween thrills.
Join us in this thrilling crossover event, where playful beans and iconic characters come together in a celebration of imagination and creativity.
Experience the magic of Halloween Town with FallGuys, as the Mayor, Jack-Santa Claus, Jack Skellington, and Sally gather for a memorable night just before Christmas. It's a delightful journey that captures the hearts of all who watch.